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User Examples


College Students


For the Hustlers, Grinders, and Entrepreneurs who are looking for the simple process to keep all their projects organized and on track.

Make it easy and create a homework folder for each of your classes. We know you love to text so let us help you help yourself! Also create folders for your work, dating life, journal, and internships. We know you'll be the best at "Hashtagging the text and letting PERSILE do the rest" so let's go!!!!

Are you a Creative who loves to create but struggles to stay organized because it requires too many steps? We have got the solution for you and with one simple step you can stay organized! Simply put you can keep yourself organized with nothing more then a text message....BAM!!!

Sales Professionals/Teams


Real Estate Agents

Do you find CRM's cumbersome and difficult to access? PERSILE can transform into your personal CRM and you can add to it with a simple text as you walk out of the next meeting with your account. 

For the individual who is looking for a simpler process to input their notes and tasks, to manage various aspects of their life, and to add to their folders at a moments notice without having to search for the correct place to input them.

​Are you an agent looking to keep an electronic file for each of your clients so that you can add to their "to do's" or record notes specific to them at a moments notice? Stay on track to becoming a top producer with PERSILE!

Moms and Dads



Alright Moms and Dads! Here is the one step answer that will help us all keep it together between work, tasks at home, happenings with kids, scheduling, activities, homework, and the thousands of other things going on! Keep it all straight by sending a text...we know we're already texting our spouse or kids anyways. We got this!

You can create a folder for a new project with one simple text to our system. You can also create tasks and notes for each of your subcontractors in the same way. This allows you to keep everything organized and filed in their proper folders while on the go.

Do you keep files for:

  1. Your future and past game plans?

  2. The development of your individual players? 

  3. A plan of action for those players you are recruiting? 

Add to these files at anytime by sending a text. 



Community Leaders

Are you currently responsible for a number of individuals in your managerial role? Is it difficult to remember specific tasks, mentions, items to cover with each of them? Make it easy and file them with our system at a moments notice so you don't forget!

In our future releases we will be adding a "Folder Sharing" feature which will allow you and your team to utilize PERSILE as a collab tool! Our future calendaring feature will also be an added benefit!

Are you a community leader that works in a variety of roles? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed attending to this as well as your main gig and family life. PERSILE can help you keep these aspects in line and on track giving you a better peace of mind as you attend to them all!

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